Tax Appeal

Your help makes every day count  

When Russell noticed the onset of some worrying symptoms - changes to his vision, spilling drinks and tripping over, he didn't know what was going on.

After countless tests, the heartbreaking diagnosis came in. Russell was diagnosed with a rare form of dementia called Posterior Cortical Atrophy at 61 years of age.

It wasn't long before Russell and his wife Lindy turned to us for help. Through our resources and programs, they gained the information and emotional support essential for navigating their new reality.

“I don’t think Russell would have coped as well if he didn’t have Dementia Australia, and that helps me too.” Lindy, Russell’s wife and carer.
Your gift today can help families impacted by dementia make every day count.

Watch Russell's Story4 

Your support

Russell's diagnosis

You’ve got Alzheimer’s. Come back in a year.”

This news left the couple reeling. “We had no idea where to start, or what to do,”

Lindy and Russell felt very isolated in the face of this new diagnosis. But much-needed hope and guidance arrived. After reaching out, our librarians gave Russell helpful resources and our Living with Dementia program was ‘life-changing’.

Despite popular belief that dementia only impacts older people, an estimated 29,000 people in their 30s, 40s and 50s experience the challenges of younger onset dementia. Over time, dementia can make day-to-day activities such as brushing your teeth, dressing yourself and the hobbies that once brought you joy, increasingly challenging.

But you can make every day count for people like Russell.

With a tax-deductible gift, you can provide families impacted by dementia the life-changing resources and information that Russell and Lindy received - and help even more people whose lives are forever changed by dementia.

It’s important to not just give in. I try not to get too far ahead about what might happen… it’s about what I need today to make it a better day.

| Russell, living with dementia

  • Margaret just donated $50
  • Antoinette just donated $40
  • Elizabeth just donated $50
  • Jennifer just donated $50
  • Gabriele just donated $54
  • Jan just donated $30
  • Craig just donated $16
  • Joanne just donated $50
  • Fran just donated $54
  • Tessa just donated $20
  • Craig just donated $54
  • Beulah just donated $20
  • Terry just donated $102
  • Thomas just donated $100
  • Patrick just donated $102
  • Tzu- Lin Katy just donated $10
  • Jane just donated $102
  • Aimee Marchesi, Emma Wagg, Jude Luzuriaga, Mohammad Rabbi just donated $85
  • Jade just donated $50
  • Ryan just donated $45

Dementia in numbers


421,000 Australians live with dementia, and that is expected to increase to more than 812,500 by 2054.


1.6 million carers, family members and friends are involved in the care of someone living with dementia.


Dementia is the number 1 cause of death for Australian women, and the second leading cause of death overall.


It is estimated there are almost 29,000 people living with younger onset dementia in Australia.